Learn how to raise chickens naturally!

In our online chicken course, we teach you everything you need to know about raising chickens. This is a self paced e-course and consists of ebooks and movies, which you can download, read and watch over and over again, and keep for life. You can start anytime you want and fit in the learning whenever you have time.

We cover why to raise chickens, what to expect, legalities of raising urban backyard chickens, what breeds to get, how to incubate eggs if you choose to, where and how to get your chicks, how to raise them in a brooder, what to feed them and how to supplement their feed, how to house them, how to build a chicken tractor, trimming their wings, predators, diseases and problems with chickens, how to deal with their eggs (and some awesome recipes), even slaughtering chickens.

At the end of this course, you will know everything you need to know about keeping healthy, naturally happy chickens. Come join us!

Learn how to raise chickens naturally!

Get started now

What you get:

  • Detailed ebooks

    You will receive my beautiful e-books , filled with gorgeous pictures, step-by-step instructions, and many tips and tricks that I have learned in over a decade of raising chickens for eggs and meat.

  • Chicken tractor movie tutorial and pdf plans

    My husband and I filmed a detailed, step by step video tutorial on how to build a moveable chicken tractor from scratch. Pdf building plans included as well.

  • Learning community

    Another great part of this program is our private Facebook group, where you can ask me questions, let me help you solve problems, celebrate your successes and meet a wonderful group of people who love raising chickens naturally!

  • Why to raise chickens and what to expect

    What are the benefits, and are you up for keeping chickens

  • Legalities

    Legalities of raising urban backyard chickens

  • Breeds

    What breeds should you raise

  • Incubator

    How to incubate eggs in an incuabtor

  • Where and how to get your chicks

    What are the best options and best practices

  • Brooder

    Chick are here, now what???

  • Feeding

    What to feed them and how to supplement their feed

  • Housing

    How to house chickens, and how to protect them from predators

  • Health and recipes

    This includes trimming their wings, predators, diseases and problems with chickens, how to deal with their eggs (and some awesome recipes), even slaughtering chickens.

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Chicken course invite

    • Welcome!

  • 02


    • Legalities of raising chickens

  • 03

    Where to get chicks, and what breeds?

    • Breeds, and where to get chickens

  • 04

    Incubating eggs

    • Incubating eggs

    • Movie of chicks hatching

  • 05

    Raising chicks in a brooder

    • Brooder

  • 06

    What to feed chicks and chickens

    • Feeding

  • 07

    Housing chickens, and how to build a chicken tractor

    • Housing

    • Chicken Tractor Schematic to go along with the movie

    • Materials list for building a chicken tractor, to go along with the movie

    • Movie, Part One: How to build a chicken tractor

    • Movie, Part Two: How to build a chicken tractor

    • Movie, Part Three: How to build a chicken tractor

    • Movie, Part Four: How to build a chicken tractor

    • Movie, Part Five: How to build a chicken tractor

  • 08


    • Eggs

  • 09

    Sexing chickens (how to tell if it's a boy or girl)

    • Sexing chickens

  • 10

    Health problems

    • Health problems

  • 11


    • Recipes

  • 12

    Slaughtering chickens

    • Slaughtering

  • 13


    • Molting

How to raise healthy chickens naturally